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Arthritis and Rheumatic Disease Program 

Our program goal is:
To minimize joint deformation and physical and emotional obstacles which often result from living with pain associated with active rheumatic disease. Symptoms of rheumatic disease and arthritis are just as varied and unique as the individuals affected by them and can take time to properly diagnose. Even after diagnosis, it is a lifelong journey to learn how to navigate. Our program will coordinate with your physicians’ protocol and help you along your journey.

Common rheumatic diseases and/or conditions:
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Osteoarthritis
• Psoriatic Arthritis
• Lyme Disease
• Lupus
• Fibromyalgia
• Ankylosing Spondylitis

Our program components include:

Patient Education
Informs and empowers patients. Using the diagnosis and related patient information, we’ll prepare educational resources to review at initiation of PT. The goal is to maximize patient independence and function, while alleviating fear and uncertainty about the disease.

Customized Physical Therapy (PT)
Designed to respond to current physical challenges while preparing for the next stage of disease. We conduct thorough and frequent evaluations to identify comprehensive baseline measurements. This enables us to proactively adjust PT to respond to each disease course and mitigate severity of joint dysfunction. Additionally, we design customized PT programs that enable patients to manage their day-to-day activities (e.g., their job, yard work, cleaning/cooking; etc). 

Nutritional Information 
Supports total wellness and complements prescribed medications/medical protocols. While food cannot cure the disease, proper nutrition helps minimize its effects by achieving a healthy weight, decreasing foods which cause inflammation, and improving sleep and overall energy levels.

Aids in overall relaxation and decreases muscle tension commonly experienced from pain caused by inflammation. Living with a chronic illness is stressful and the body holds onto this stress in many ways.

Patient Support Services
Facilitated peer support groups to provide a forum for sharing resources and developing coping skills. Living with a chronic illness can lead to emotional challenges which can be extremely isolating. Connection through peer support is a powerful channel for patients to learn different coping skills.

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